Last month I ordered 100 moon prints.

Yesterday I opened the box of 100 prints to begin assembling the first timepieces at long last, beginning with the moon.

When I pulled the prints out the first thing I noticed was a lack of distinct white or black in the print, even the brightest "white" of the image appeared to be gray.

When I lined up the approved print and the new print, it was clear there must be some sort of production error. In general it is unusual for the delivery to not match the approved print.
It's okay, we've been here before and we can fix it.

I do want you to know I saw this grey mistake and seriously considered going forward as if I never noticed the error in favor of getting these clocks assembled asap no matter what.
However, as you likely know by now, I cannot in good conscience make a timepiece with an inadequate print.

Here is a trio of choices I was open to make:
1. Close my eyes and assemble a different "gray" design and pretend for the rest of my life that I still have artistic integrity.
2. Clarify what the issue is and check in with the printer
3. Go for a walk
I clarified the issue,
checked in with the printer,
and went for a walk.
Why does it matter?
If the image of the moon only peaks in gray, the viewer is left without the oscillating sense of renewal between white and black offered by the complete design.

We can fix it.
So instead of assembling timepieces yesterday for the update, I put together a presentation to gently clarify the issue with the vendor.
They got back to me later in the day with this response.

The printer is aware of the issue, preparing a new batch of 100 moons and I'm grateful for being one UPS delivery away from assembly.
There are so many orders of The Present Moon we are focusing on making those first. Thank you again, I'm grateful for this opportunity and so, so ready to put these together for you. We are days away from getting this assembly cycle humming!
In time,
Scott Thrift

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