You and I have been waiting on this update for quite some time now.

I have been making clocks since the last full moon and I have been shipping clocks for the past two weeks.
It's finally actually happening.
Check out this photo and email from Kevin in Toronto:

Remember Maria in Australia? The one who has been waiting patiently since 2018?
Well this is her box of three minimal presents - day, moon, and year.
It was picked by USPS on the 4th.

And here is the first note from the wild about the new cork body, featured in all three models, coming in from Washington D.C.

Big thanks to the award winning design duo CW&T who helped me consider a solid cork body and collaborated with me to level up the quality of these stunning gifts.

Check out that flush mounted profile!
Brushed Stainless Steel Precision Engineered to Pressure Fit
It just feels good to write and say, right?
One more time!
Engineered to
Pressure Fit.

And the final prints from Duggal are hypnotizing...

I sent out the first moon edition to one of the backers who pushed me for years to create a lunar edition.

She filmed herself opening it up!

I also sent Marina at Duggal flowers to thank her for their dedication to the prints.

Well, flowers... and tens of thousands of dollars.
Which brings me to the title of this update.
340 / 560 / 720

The Little Present
is now

The Present - Minimal
is now

The Present
is now

This is the first time I've priced The Present appropriately since I started doing this in 2011 and the story of me selling these at a loss, ends today.
This new pricing structure acknowledges the exceptional rarity and value of The Present and crucially, enables me to make them consistently with no more delays.
You will of course, not have to pay the difference to get your clocks, you're the earliest of early adopters.
In order to enable myself to do this and honor the price I promised all of you — I am opening up sales of the full priced clocks for immediate shipment.
This means when I sell a clock at the true price I can actually afford to accelerate making and sending more clocks to you at the same time.
Regardless of sales I am still shipping a few dozen clocks out every week to backers.
Also don't fret if you need to change addresses, I will not ship until I confirm your address on a one by one basis.
Excited to deliver your pledge soon and get this new way of experiencing time into your hands.
In a perfect world I would have been able to make and ship every single clock before opening shop; the reality is the price of making these far exceeded the 2020 pledge amounts.
I'm great at one or two things, good at a few more and particularly bad at being a businessman. Admittedly, I got in way over my head and would highly recommend not launching an analog hardware project during a global pandemic.
The only way forward is this; the more timepieces I move, the more I can simultaneously ship to backers.
See the collection here.
The Present.is
There will be a total of three remaining full moon updates via Kickstarter.
MAY 5th
JUNE 3rd
JULY 3rd
Until then, your friend in time,
Scott Thrift

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