“Why a Timepiece Instead of an App? Because Your Phone’s Making You Miserable, That’s Why.”

“Why a Timepiece Instead of an App? Because Your Phone’s Making You Miserable, That’s Why.”

One Analog Answer to Many Digital Dilemmas


We get it; your smartphone can do everything. It’s your camera, map, calendar, and constant notification dispenser. How’s that working out for you? A glance at the mounting statistics on screen addiction and its impact on our mental health says not well.



Smartphones are engineered to be addictive; their purpose is to consume your time, not to enrich it. They turn you into a hamster on a wheel — constantly running but never getting anywhere meaningful. That’s the price of convenience and so-called “productivity.”


Enter ‘The Present’: a timepiece that dares you to engage with time in a revolutionary new way. No notifications, no digital buzzers, no ringtones. Instead, it offers something rare — a deeper connection with time itself. With this contemporary work of art, we invite you to not just glance at the time but to feel it, to understand it in its rich, cyclical nature.


The Present (2012)


Our timepiece isn’t an object; it’s an experience. An experience that your next app, no matter how fancy its features, can’t offer. If you’re willing to think outside the box — literally, the black rectangular box you’re likely reading this on — then ‘The Present’ might just be for you.


Ask yourself this:

Do you want to see time the same way for the rest of your life?

Or do you want to form a healthier relationship with time?

The choice is yours. And the clock is ticking.

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